Electronic Books (Ebooks)

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An e-book is a book in digital format. Throughout history, books have been hand scribed texts, mass-printed with movable type, read aloud as audio books, photocopied, purchased, borrowed, annotated and indexed. And now books can be read online on a wide variety of devices anywhere, anytime!

As well as print books, University of Ghana Libraries provide access to thousands of e-books in a variety of subject areas. You can access e-books 24/7, wherever and whenever you need them, on or off campus.

For Off Campus access however, one must have a MyLibrary Account or a valid UG Email Address. University of Ghana has access to four (4) Ebook platforms from ElgarOnline, Proquest Ebook Central, Elsevier and Jaypee Digital.

Elgaronline includes scholarly research monographs, research handbooks, companions, dictionaries, encyclopedia and journals. Subject areas covered are Law, Business, Economics and the Social Sciences.
JaypeeDigital is a comprehensive e-book platform that also includes videos of live surgeries and journals in the fields of health sciences, medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacology, and more for academicians, students and also practitioners.
ProQuest Ebook Central has a wide selection of e-books in all subject areas. All of the titles can be browsed, read online or downloaded to your own computer or electronic device. ProQuest Ebook Central e-book collection is available to University of Ghana students, faculty and staff only.
Use the Search option, to search by keyword, author, ISBN and more to locate an e-book.  Advanced Search and Browse Subject options are also available.
The University of Ghana has access to nearly 7000 e-books in different disciplines in the Elsevier ScienceDirect Ebook collection.
Book chapters can be downloaded to internet enabled devices as PDF files.

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