Dear all, Freshers are required to participate in orientatation at the Balme Library in the form of group tours and hands-on demonstrations starting Friday 24th January to Friday 21st February 2025.

The orientation will take place between the hours of 9:00 am -11:00 am and 1:00 pm-3:00 pm each day.

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Care of Books

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  • No book is to be written in, soiled, torn, cut, or damaged in any way.
  • Any defect in or damage to a book prior to borrowing should be reported to the library staff.
  • Users must not trace any picture or figure from any book/material.
  • Readers and borrowers will be held responsible for any damage to a book in their care and will be required to pay the appropriate cost for such damaged books.
  • Borrowers should report at once the loss of any book, and if it is not found, the borrower shall pay for the lost book.

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