Dear all, Freshers are required to participate in orientatation at the Balme Library in the form of group tours and hands-on demonstrations starting Friday 24th January to Friday 21st February 2025.

The orientation will take place between the hours of 9:00 am -11:00 am and 1:00 pm-3:00 pm each day.

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General Rules & Regulations


To maintain and sustain a tranquil, safe, and welcoming atmosphere for learning and research, the University of Ghana Library System (UGLS) has rules and regulations that users must adhere to. These rules and regulations apply to all users (students, faculty, researchers, staff, and members of the public) using libraries on all campuses of the University of Ghana.

General Rules and Regulations

mobile phone

  • All users must enter and leave through the library’s main entrance.
  • Silence is to be observed within the library or the sections where silence is required.
  • Mobile phones are to be switched off or kept on silent mode, inside the library premises.
  • Do not receive calls within the library
  • No food is allowed in any part of the library. This includes snacks & sweets
  • Water is allowed in non-spillable bottles
  • Firearms and other offensive weapons are not allowed
  • Materials taken off the shelves must be left on the table.
  • The marking or defacing of any library materials with ink, pencil or any other substance is forbidden.
  • Pets are not allowed in the library.
  • Newspapers, magazines, journals, and other reference materials must be read only in the library, in specific reading areas and should not be taken to any other reading areas.
  • No seat shall be reserved by or for any reader. Any seat so reserved shall be cleared by the library staff for use by others.
  • Users may not enter staff offices except invited by a staff member.
  • Readers should report any kind of accident in the library to a staff.
  • Orderly conduct must be always maintained in all parts of the library.
  • Users must look tidy - dressing must be neat
  • Lab coats and scrubs are not allowed in the library

Prohibited Social Misconduct

The following are forbidden in all parts of the libraries:
  • Smoking.
  • Using foul or abusive language or gestures
  • Alcohol and illegal drugs.
  • Harassing or threatening patrons or staff
  • Soliciting, petitioning, or canvassing
  • Selling or advertising goods or services

Safety and Security Rules

  • Patrons are responsible for the safety of their personal belongings.
  • Bags, gowns, raincoats, umbrellas, cameras, scanners, tape recorders, etc., must be deposited in the lockers or pigeon shelves at the entrance of the library and the locker key/ tags kept temporarily by the patron.
  • The library reserves the right to inspect anything brought into the building. Laptops, mobile devices, bags, files, books, and any other items allowed into the library shall be subject to examination on exit.
  • Security staff in the library will inspect any item being taken out of the library.
  • Library staff may stop any activity in the library that they deem harmful to the safety and security of readers or the preservation of collections.

Computer / Electronic Use Regulation

  • The use of laptops and other mobile devices is welcome. WiFi is available in all libraries.
  • It is forbidden for patrons to unplug any of the library’s equipment or electrical and ethernet cables.
  • Priority shall be given to students engaged in academic and research work on a first-come-first-served basis. In situations where demand for library computers is high, each user shall be given a time limit for usage.
  • Computers shall not be used for social media activities.
  • Installation or downloading of any sort of software is forbidden.
  • Alteration of software/hardware configurations is prohibited.
  • The use of USB drives and other removable devices shall be regulated by staff .
  • Files saved to the hard drive shall be deleted daily. Users are encouraged to save files or documents on their e-mails or cloud storage.
  • Students, faculty, and staff must not give their off-campus log-in details to others to access UG’s online databases.

© 2025 Balme Library, University of Ghana. Powered by Academic Computing Unit (ACU) of University of Ghana Computing Systems (UGCS). UGCS